Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Big Idea Guideline

ART ED 252


Write a 100-150 word description of your Big Idea. Include the following in this short
1. Clearly state what your Big Idea is
2. Provide relevant connected issues and concerns in relation to the Big Idea
3. Discuss visual themes in your Visual Brainstorming assignment and the
relationship they have with the Big Idea
4. Provide an explanation for the significance of this Big Idea to you. Why did you
choose this Big Idea?

Print your Big Idea writing

Collect in groups of 3-4

Each group member should take a turn to share with the group in the following steps:
1. Display your work on your computer screen insuring that all group members can
see the work
2. Artist of the work being viewed should read aloud their written statement to the
other group members
3. Each group member should formulate one question about the work. Artists who
are presenting their work please record the questions offered by group members
on the bottom half of your printed statement. Questions should aim to help the
artist develop a deeper understanding of their Big Idea
a. Example of a good question: “In your assignment I am noticing a
recurrence of hands posed differently, how does this relate to your Big
b. Example of question that does not delve deep enough: “ What is that blue
thing in the lower right hand corner?”
4. Discussion should ensue as the artist tries to answer the questions. Group
members should assist in forming answers or offering opinions.
5. After all members of the group have presented their artwork, select one group
member who will share their work and discussion findings with the class.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I think we were supposed to answer those first four questions in this part of the blog, but I might be wrong. Just letting you know :)
