Sunday, February 20, 2011


I decided to go out on a limb and look up my own pics and flicks for this blog.

Growing up when I was younger and my parents having to work during the day meant that they would have to find a baby sitter. Personally I did not really care as long as I had my Tom and Jerry. Bob Frank the producer and animator for Tom and Jerry back in the good ole days was my hero. I was too young to read or concept everything too very well but I could tell the good episodes from the bad ones because of who the producer was, and Bob Frank was the best.

This appeals to me because the story of episodes are told through sounds and not words. Its inspiring to many people because no matter what what age, or any race can understand and follow the story through the sounds being made to represent the actions of the characters. As of now its obvious that this show describes the Big Idea of sound.

What began to trigger my curiosities of this show as of lately is how Bob Frank continued to think of different material to use to make noises for certain actions, and what the noises were created from. Also how he thought of most the episodes from the beginning to the middle to the end and how it all ties together to show a moral to the story. That's one of the reasons why my babysitter allowed me to watch, one, she liked to watch it(on the d.l.) and two, it taught lessons so all she had to do was sit me down in front of the t.v. and wait for my parents to return from work.
I was inspired by Bob Frank to make great stories as he did, but after I saw how episodes were created, clip by clip by clip I said it was too much work and my artistic skills were not up to par to do some thing like what he did.

The artist taught me how to interpret sound into a piece of work. Bob Frank inspired me to use all sorts of colors and sound in my final project.,r:28,s:0

I was never a bad kid growing up but some times I did catch myself in trouble after drawing on things that I wasn't suppose to haha. My art ed. class from last quarter involved a section on tagging which really sparked my interests. Again, I've never been a Picaso or anything like that but I do like to draw and freehand things and once I saw what Daim was about I thought he was very talented!

Daim's work is so appealing because it can really grab your attention and twist your mind. It's almost as if his work pops out of the wall.

His work is so inspiring. We saw a documentary about him and how he has all these followers starving to be like him and join the group.

The Big Ideas being expressed are identity, because in almost all forms of graffiti the artist will leave a signature on his artwork(although it is illegal to do what they do).
I will use an open mind on my final project, because that is one thing that I have learned from Daim, and from doing so he has became a huge inspiration to many people all over the world.,r:17,s:28&biw=1680&bih=832

1 comment:

  1. Okay, first of all, Tom and Jerry is an awesome show, for sure! And if you think about it, it might be kind of a stretch, but the show kind of relates to your big idea in a way. I mean, the cat's purpose is to get the mouse, and the mouse is striving to get away. I definitely think that you incorporated the same bright,colorful, and playful style into your midterm project. And that is a unique place to get inspiration from! Also, that graffiti video is sooo cool! I have never seen anything like than or even heard of it. Very interesting. If you are interested in graffiti and that style of artwork, it might be kind of neat to include that into your final project somehow? By the way, you always have such interesting/funny insights on things, I like it!
