Sunday, March 13, 2011

Blog Cuatro (4)

I thought my last big idea was a good one but after reflecting on it I thought it would be better to go off of something more familiar to me. Last time I feel like I had good pictures and what not but it seemed a little scattered of what my big idea would have been unless I explained it to the viewers. I have always been a fan of music so I think I am going to stick to something to do with sounds of music or something along those boundaries. My Big Idea is how the image of the hip hop culture has changed. To display my big idea I plan on representing old characteristics of the hip hop culture and a newer more stereotypical version on it. Doing all that by taking my own pictures and following the original rubric (From what Mr. Knochel verbally addressed). For visual strategy I like the idea of fading the opacity and merging layers so I am most likely going to do some thing like that for the project at hand. I want to grab the attention of the viewer but at the same time I do not want it to be too overwhelming on him/ her. Some times it is hard to show everything that is on my mind to demonstrate the points I am trying to get apart which makes things look a little cluttered, that will not happen on this project though. I just have to remember that I do not have to use twenty pictures to get a point across. This project could be plastered all over the place and could be used as a wake up call for what is going on in today's music. An example of how some things matter more now than what they did in the "old school" days. I could see this work displayed on BET or maybe even at some hip hop or rap concert showing how times have changed, for both the good and bad.

When I thought of the Big Idea of how the image of the hip hop culture has changed from old school to new school, I immediately thought of graffiti art for the old school part of it. That then triggered the idea to bring one of the more better graffiti taggers, whom I have already talked about in this class, Daim. Old school hip hop is all about tagging and getting your name out there and rebellious behavior, perfect example N.W.A., if you are unaware with this group then you could Google them because I do not feel comfortable explaining it on my blog, or perhaps read Mr. Funk's book, Mr. Funk is the one that really introduced me to the graffiti art work. Daim influenced me by going out and finding any graffiti on campus, I thought it was going to easy but I actually had a hard time finding anything so I had to go off campus and go into the not so wealthy part of Columbus to find something worth posting on my blog.

My goal was to find something/ anything as impressive as that graffiti art by Daim.

You can not say anything about old school without mentioning one of the greats. Eazy E may have been more on the rap side, but all around ties into my Big Idea threory becuase of the rebellious behavor part. So I had to find a way to incoroporate him into the project.

The final thing that influenced me on my project is the material aspect of it all, MONEY. Old school time, people would love to have money but now-a-days all you ever hear about is people complaining about not having enough, singing about it, rapping about it, and most of all, talk about the recession. I thought it would only be appropriate to have money be in the project.

A newer technique I plan on using in this project is most definatly the healing patch tool. I also plan on changing the layers from Normal to Dissolve or any of those cool tools.

Well lets see how it works out!!

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