Saturday, January 22, 2011

Better late than never, but better late is better. My bad about the tardiness.

Typical morning of college.

First, break fast of a champion.

Then just another day of practice.

Following with classes, classes and more classes.


Connotations: In this picture I feel as if the artist, Jennifer Maestre was trying to show how frightful things can still keep the same apperance as looking delightful. Altough the Carnivorous plants are not the most beautiful things to look at, they still have relation to the flower.

Denotations: This work of art is constructed by pencils cut in half and the lead side of the pencil is on the outer part. By doing this it gives the structure the "do not touch" look. But on the inside are the eraser side of the pencil, which seem to almost forming a mouth. The erasers are all worn down to a fine point, I don't see the meaning for doing so but it does make it look find of cool.


Connotations: This picture by the great Falko Ohlmer looks as if it should be in one of Gnarles Barkley's songs. I think that the artist is trying to show how the universe is too much to understand and this is what it really looks like (ha).

Denotations: There are two right hands in this picture, on at the top of the picture trying to balance a ball like object on top of a pyramid. The other hand is near the lower corner and it seems to be levitating three evenly cut squares in the palm of the hang. There are other pyramids, circles, and squares randomly placed around the rest of the image.


  1. I love that first sculpture! I think your take on the connotations are very insightful, and I pretty much agree. Did the artist say anything about why she used pencils for this project? I was just wondering if there was any connotation about that denotation. Also, I don't know why she made the erasers have a flat point, but I think it gives the bud a darker color that wouldn't have been there otherwise.

    On the second image, how can you tell both the hands are right hands? Is that meaningful to the piece? I'm just wondering because I'm left handed and I feel like everything is made for right handed people. This picture reminds me of math, so I don't think I would ever buy this artwork or anything, but it is very interesting!

  2. Both of these pieces are incredibly by every means, especially the first sculpture. As far as the connotations on the sculpture, there seems that i could go in so many direction as to what the artist may mean but i suppose i'll start by saying that perhaps we almost shy away from things that look dangerous and scary on the outside, not realizing that complete beauty of the object itself. As far as the second image, i almost feel like the artist is telling us that we perhaps forge our own world from our hands rather than leaving it up to something or somebody else.

    Two greats finds, Good Job!
